Michael Peppard, Ph.D.

Professor of Theology

Exploring intersections of the Bible, Christianity, arts, culture, ritual, politics


  • "Peppard's book is beautifully written, scholarly, accessible to specialists and generalists … a 'must read' for those interested in the Bible and Christianity."

    Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame

  • "Elegantly written, filled with original insights on almost every page, this book is a delight to read."

    Elizabeth A. Johnson, Distinguished Professor Emerita of Theology, Fordham University

  • "I can't imagine a better guide than Peppard, who is also, as an added bonus, a terrific writer."

    James Martin, S.J., best-selling author

  • "A landmark in the study of early Christian art and ritual."

    David Brakke, Professor of History, The Ohio State University

  • "An innovative and engaging exploration of a famous early Christian site."

    Elizabeth A. Clark, Professor Emerita, Duke University

  • "An engaging tale of how the Bible actually works for this important tradition."

    Harold W. Attridge, Sterling Professor Emeritus of Divinity, Yale University

Featured Writings

Before Gutenberg: Catholics and the Bible

Clothed With the Sun: The Bible & Marian Art